
桜をはじめ沢山の花が山々をカラフルな表情に彩る春。 暖かい春は滝巡りやハイキング、全てのアウトドアに適した季節です。 穏やかな気持ちで時間を忘れて過ごせます。 ウッドデッキのサマーベッドで鮮やかな花を眺めながらコーヒーがおすすめ。
Spring is the season when cherry blossoms and many other flowers give the mountains a colorful look. The warm spring is a good time to visit waterfalls, hikings, and enjoy all outdoor activities. Enjoy your cup of coffee on a beach bed on the wooden deck with a beautiful view of the mountains to forget about time and relax.