大好評DIM LIGHT ESPRESSOとのコラボメニューは地元ベーカリーのパンを使用したサンドイッチにリニューアルしました。お部屋でも、チェックアウト後の観光のお供にお持ち帰りも。そしてこの度、朝からちょっと贅沢にコース料理を楽しみたいお客様にむけてこだわりのキッシュやローストビーフの入った「Box breakfast」の販売を開始しました。シアターワンの選べる朝食を是非ご賞味ください。
●サンドイッチモーニング 2,500円
●Box breakfast 3,500円
Our collaboration menu with the very popular DIM LIGHT ESPRESSO has been renewed with sandwiches made with bread from a local bakery. You can enjoy it in your room or take it home for sightseeing after check-out. And now, we have started selling "Box breakfast" which includes our special quiche and roast beef for guests who want to enjoy a luxurious course meal in the morning. We hope you will try Theater One's breakfast of choice.
●Sandwich Morning 2,500 yen
●Box breakfast 3,500 yen
Dinner The star of the show is the whole truffle.
手ぶらでBBQを楽しみたい方には、地産の食材をふんだんに使用した「秋川牛と本生山葵のBBQコース」でシアターワンならではのBBQ体験をご用意しました。手放しでゆっくりとお食事を楽しみたい方には、牛ほほ肉の赤ワイン煮込みやロブスターなど手間を惜しまず作られた「Box dinner」がございます。地産のアルコールとのペアリングがおすすめ。ご滞在のスタイルに合わせて、選べるディナーをどうぞ。
●秋川牛と本生山葵のBBQコース(サーロイン 13,200円/モモ 9,900円)
●Box dinner 13,500円
For those who wish to enjoy a BBQ without any help, we have prepared a BBQ experience unique to Theater One with the "Akigawa Beef and Hon-Sai Wasabi BBQ Course," which uses plenty of locally produced ingredients. For those who prefer to let go and enjoy a leisurely meal, there is the "Box dinner," which includes beef cheeks stewed in red wine, lobster, and other dishes made with the utmost care and attention to detail. Pairing with locally produced alcohol is recommended. Choose the dinner that best suits the style of your stay.
●Akiyama Beef and Fresh Wasabi BBQ Coarse(Sirloin 13,200 yen/Thigh Meat 9,900 yen)
●Box dinner 13,500 yen

シアター1がご提案するBBQ体験は、日本での一般的なBBQとは少し異なります。 Char-Broil社のガスグリルを使った本格的なBBQの特徴は、薄い肉を高火力でさっと焼くのではなく、分厚い肉をじっくりと調理するところにあります。 開放的でプライベートな空間で、お食事を楽しみながら大切な時間をお過ごしください。
The BBQ experience proposed by Theater 1 is a little different from the typical BBQ experience in Japan, as authentic BBQ using Char-Broil's gas grill is characterized by slow cooking of thick meat, rather than quickly grilling thin meat at high heat. Please spend your precious time in an open and private space while enjoying your meal.

The Char-Broil barbecue grill was created in 1948 in the United States, the home of BBQ, and has become a favorite grill not only in the United States but also in Australia and other parts of Europe.

ミニバー / 軽食 Minibar / Snacks
We have also carefully selected the contents of the minibar for you to enjoy as an accompaniment to watching movies or even as a meal pairing. Locally produced drinks including wine from "Vineyard Tama" in Akiruno City and craft beer from "VERTERE" in Okutama Town, as well as soft drinks. For food, pizzas and pastas from the popular French frozen food "Picard" will happily fill your small stomach.