Seoto no Yu(22 minutes by car)
地下1,500mから湧出した瀬音の湯は、〈美肌の湯〉としても知られており、温泉総選挙2019では〈うる肌部門〉で全国1位に選ばれました。 豊かな自然のなか思い思いのひと時をお過ごし下さい。
Seoto no Yu, gushing from 1,500m underground, is also known as "hot springs for beautiful skin," and was selected as the No. 1 hot spring in Japan in the "moist skin category" in the Onsen General Election 2019. Please enjoy your time in the rich nature.

Hossawa Falls(14 minutes by car)
東京都で唯一「日本の滝百選」に選ばれた滝。 木々は季節によって鮮やかに色づき、滝は厳冬期に美しく結氷することでも知られています。
This is the only waterfall in Tokyo selected as one of the "100 Best Waterfalls in Japan. The trees change color with the seasons, and the waterfall is known for its beautiful icy waterfalls in severe winters.

Kobayashi Family Residence(19 min. by car)
国の重要文化財。 大岳山・馬頭刈尾根から小河内峠を介して南北に伸びる陣馬尾根上、標高約750メートルの地に建っています。 古き良き日本家屋の味わいを、ご堪能ください。
An important cultural property of Japan. The house stands at an altitude of approximately 750 meters above sea level on Jinba Ridge, which extends from north to south via Ogouchi Pass from Mt.Otake and Mazukari Ridge. Please enjoy the taste of a good old Japanese house.

Kanoto Iwa(15 minutes by car)
東京都の天然記念物に指定されている神戸岩は近年、パワースポットとして注目されています。 重厚感ある絶壁と流れる川と滝は被写体としても魅力十分です。
Designated as a natural monument by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Kanoto-Iwa has been attracting attention as a energy spot in recent years. The massive cliffs, flowing river, and waterfall are breathtaking.
Seasonal Expressions in Waterfall
檜原の楽しみ方のひとつに、いくつかの滝を見て歩く「滝めぐり」があります。 山に囲まれた地形ゆえに、南北に分かれた秋川に流れ込む沢筋は無数。 払沢の滝の他に、50ヵ所にも及ぶスポットからいくつかご紹介させていただきます。
One of the best ways to enjoy Hinohara village is to take a "waterfall tour". Because the land is surrounded by mountains, there are countless streams flowing into the Akigawa River, which divides into the north and south. In addition to Hossawa Falls, we would like to introduce some of the 50 other waterfalls in the area.

Meoto Falls
森閑とした山中に、ひっそりと佇む夫婦(めおと)の滝。 名前の由来は、異なるふたつの沢の流れが滝の上で偶然出会ってる様からだと言われています。
The Meoto Waterfall is tucked away in the middle of a quiet mountainous area. The origin of the name is said to come from the appearance of two different streams coincidentally meeting at the top of the waterfall.
Mito Great Falls
南秋川最大の滝。 高さ30メートルから流れ落ちる滝は迫力満点です。 このあたりでは特に、紅葉が映える滝として有名です。
The largest waterfall in the Minami Akikawa River. The waterfall cascading down from a height of 30 meters is very powerful. The waterfall is especially famous in this area for its beautiful autumn foliage.
Amagoi Falls
日照りが長く続くと神仏に降雨を祈願する行事が村に存在していたことが名前の由来。 村道から滝までの遊歩道がよく整備されているスポットです。
The name "Amagoi" is translates to "Rain Prayer" which comes from the fact that the village had a custom of praying to the gods and Buddha for rainfall when the drought lasted for a long time. The spot has a well-maintained promenade from the village road to the waterfall.
Hanamizu Waterfall
かつて滝の近くに鉱泉が湧き出していたため、水が流れ落ちる際に硫黄分が花の模様を作っていたことが名前の由来。 情緒あふれる美しい滝です。
The name comes from the fact that a mineral spring once gushed out near the waterfall, and the sulfur content of the water as it flowed down created a flower pattern. It is a beautiful waterfall full of emotion.
Kichijoji Waterfall
直下型や斜めに流れる滝とも異なる水流が特徴の滝。 奥行き三段という珍しいその形状は、河床の侵食によってできたことを物語っている。
This waterfall is characterized by a water flow that differs from that of a straight or diagonally flowing waterfall. The unusual three-stage depth of the waterfall indicates that it was created by the erosion of the riverbed.
Tengu Falls
岩肌をするすると流れ落ちる美しい滝。 水流が緩やかなため滝壺が浅く、下流には砂利河川が広がっていて、休憩場所にはうってつけです。
A beautiful waterfall that flows down the rock surface.The waterfall basin is shallow due to the gentle flow, and a gravel river extends downstream, making it a perfect resting place.
Kuzuryu Falls
長野県戸隠村より、九頭竜神社を分社、建立し、信者がこの滝に打たれて身を清めていた。 お釈迦様が滝に打たれているように見えるとも言われている。
Kuzuryu Shrine was built as a branch shrine from Togakushi Village in Nagano Prefecture, and believers used to purify themselves by being struck by this waterfall. It is said that it looks as if Shakyamuni Buddha is being struck by the waterfall.
Meoto Falls
森閑とした山中に、ひっそりと佇む夫婦(めおと)の滝。 名前の由来は、異なるふたつの沢の流れが滝の上で偶然出会ってる様からだと言われています。
The Meoto Waterfall is tucked away in the middle of a quiet mountainous area. The origin of the name is said to come from the appearance of two different streams coincidentally meeting at the top of the waterfall.
Mito Great Falls
南秋川最大の滝。 高さ30メートルから流れ落ちる滝は迫力満点です。 このあたりでは特に、紅葉が映える滝として有名です。
The largest waterfall in the Minami Akikawa River. The waterfall cascading down from a height of 30 meters is very powerful. The waterfall is especially famous in this area for its beautiful autumn foliage.
Amagoi Falls
日照りが長く続くと神仏に降雨を祈願する行事が村に存在していたことが名前の由来。 村道から滝までの遊歩道がよく整備されているスポットです。
The name "Amagoi" is translates to "Rain Prayer" which comes from the fact that the village had a custom of praying to the gods and Buddha for rainfall when the drought lasted for a long time. The spot has a well-maintained promenade from the village road to the waterfall.
Hanamizu Waterfall
かつて滝の近くに鉱泉が湧き出していたため、水が流れ落ちる際に硫黄分が花の模様を作っていたことが名前の由来。 情緒あふれる美しい滝です。
The name comes from the fact that a mineral spring once gushed out near the waterfall, and the sulfur content of the water as it flowed down created a flower pattern. It is a beautiful waterfall full of emotion.
Kichijoji Waterfall
直下型や斜めに流れる滝とも異なる水流が特徴の滝。 奥行き三段という珍しいその形状は、河床の侵食によってできたことを物語っている。
This waterfall is characterized by a water flow that differs from that of a straight or diagonally flowing waterfall. The unusual three-stage depth of the waterfall indicates that it was created by the erosion of the riverbed.
Tengu Falls
岩肌をするすると流れ落ちる美しい滝。 水流が緩やかなため滝壺が浅く、下流には砂利河川が広がっていて、休憩場所にはうってつけです。
A beautiful waterfall that flows down the rock surface.The waterfall basin is shallow due to the gentle flow, and a gravel river extends downstream, making it a perfect resting place.
Kuzuryu Falls
長野県戸隠村より、九頭竜神社を分社、建立し、信者がこの滝に打たれて身を清めていた。 お釈迦様が滝に打たれているように見えるとも言われている。
Kuzuryu Shrine was built as a branch shrine from Togakushi Village in Nagano Prefecture, and believers used to purify themselves by being struck by this waterfall. It is said that it looks as if Shakyamuni Buddha is being struck by the waterfall.